Saturday, 5 April 2008

Can You Calculate Your Age by How Often You Eat Out?

Sometimes I am just amazed that simple things in live can be predicted by some numerical manipulation. Take for example the following question:

Is it possible to calculate your age by how often you enjoy eating out?

I have tried it and I am just awed by its accuracy. Simply unbelievable! If you are skeptical then follow the instruction below and get ready for a mathematical mind-bender...And don't cheat by scrolling down first! This takes less than a minute. Work it out as you read, either in your head or on a piece of paper. But be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!

Here's what you need to do:

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat (must be more than once but less than 10 times)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1758 ... If you haven't, add 1757.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should now have a three digit number. The first digit of this was your original number, (i.e., how many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week).
The next two numbers are: ...... YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!)

Amazing isn't it?

But, this is the only year (2008) the calculation will ever work.


bokjae said...

Didn't know you are such a genius with numbers! I must try this! Cheers!

hfchang said...

Thanks bokjae. This was passed to me and I was just amazed at its accuracy! Have fun - Go ahead and try it!